l (distance)- m
t (time)- s
m (mass)- kg
a (area)- m^2
v (velocity)- m/s
D (density)- kg/m^3
g (gravity)- m/s^2
F (force)- N- kg m/s^2
E (energy)- J- kg m^2/s^2
P (power)- W- kg m^2/s^3
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Sub Programs and Meter Displays

Main Program
- This activity was to use programing we just previously learned (increasing variables) and to apply it with subprogramming.
- The sub program contains all of the acutal work while allowing the main program to minimize and organize all the work it has.
- Also sub-programs can be easily copied and moved allowing work witht he main-program to be easier
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Robo pro branch functions and variables
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Team Building with a Tennis Ball

- pass a tennis ball to each member of your team as fast as you can
- No constriants for first experiment
- For the second experiment only one team member can touch the ball at a time
- The third experiment only one team member may touch the ball at a time and each member has to be arms lengthen apart
The Plan:
- First Experiment: We all got into a circle and put our hands in the middle. Then using our hands that made the platform we created we just rolled the ball around.
- Second Experiment: We still stayed in a circle, but we just dropped the ball into each others hands.
- Third Experiemnt: My group stretched out the circle until we were arm lengthen apart and passed the ball around like we were playing hot potato
- First Experiment:was fast and ver efficient
- Second Experiment: was efficient, but was at a moderate speed
- Third Experiment: Was pretty fast, but how we plaaned to pass the ball made it very inaccurate
- First Experiment: I would make no changes becasue it was the fastest and easiest way to ge tthe ball around
- Second Experiment: I would change it to make the ball roll down our hands like a set of stairs
- Third Experiment I would keep the same set up, but toss the ball underhanded to make it more accurate so it doesn't go all over the place
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Super Advertising
Super bowl ads:
- A normal 30 second super bowl ad costs around 2.7 million dollars
- throughout the game there are several commercials from the same company
- around 90 million people watch the super bowl each year
Is it worth it:
- Yes
- Well if an average car costs around $30,000 and profits from it are $10,000
- You need 270 people to buy a car of that amount to make up the cost single ad
- making the it pretty easy to earn move money they invested if 90 million people were watching

Flowcharts: Activity 3.1.2

1. How is flowcharting similar to using a map to plan a route for a trip?
- while driving on one highway you look for a specific exit or conjunction to the next highway
- You keep doing this until you reach the exit of your desired location
2. Describe a process that you perform every day. Develop a flowchart that illustrates the process.
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